Exhibiting Information
Interested In Selling Your Merchandise At An InterGem Show? Find Out More About Exhibiting From Booth Layouts, To Price Lists And Contracts - Everything You Need Is Included Below.
Many of your questions may be available in our “Exhibitor F.A.Q.” section. Learn more about becoming an exhibitor by clicking on the button below.
Exhibiting Opportunities
The International Gem & Jewelry Show, Inc. has brought together world-renowned jewelry artisans, wholesalers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs and designers for over 50 years. With over 60 shows in dozens of major U.S. markets, our shows have been drawing crowds since 1967.
Booth Options (price varies)
No other national jewelry show offers as many markets as the International Gem & Jewelry Shows. We visit 30 different cities through out the year with one to two shows every weekend. Just choose your booth size and we’ll take care of everything else! All booths come with piping/draping, two chairs, booth sign and exhibitor listing. Please refer to the table below for more information on what else is included with your booth.
Typical Booth Layouts
10’ x 7’* Booth
Comes with 3 – 6’ tables and 1 - 4’ table, 500 watts of electricity, table skirts**, table covers** and 2 chairs. Please note, if you order any showcases(s) you will lose a table(s).
14’ x 7’* Booth
Comes with 4 – 6’ tables and 1 – 4’ table, 750 watts of electricity, table skirts**, table covers** and 2 chairs. Please note, if you order any showcases(s) you will lose a table(s).
15’ x 7’* Booth
Please note, this layout only applies to exhibitors ordering 3 or more showcases. Comes with 2 – 4’ tables and 1 - 6’ table, 750 watts of electricity, table skirts**, table covers** and 2 chairs. Showcases are rented separately.
20’ x 7’* Booth
Comes with 2 – 6’ tables and 3 – 8’ tables, 1000 watts of electricity, table skirts**, table covers** and 2 chairs. Please note, if you order any showcases(s) you will lose a table(s).
*Booths at select shows, including Seattle, WA, are 6’ deep.
**Plastic is available at the shows for you to use for table covers and skirting.
How Do We Reach Attendees?
Our expertise in consumer jewelry shows and event promotions comes from over 50 years in the business. We use a combination of wide reaching marketing techniques as well as specialized targeting campaigns including the following methods:
Direct mail campaigns for each show to database of 214K+ registered buyers.
Email database of 245K+ InterGem subscribers receive notifications, monthly newsletters and updates.
Multiple social media campaigns on Facebook/Instagram, Google & Youtube
Radio promotions on regional stations.
Local television commercials.
Local and regional print publications.
Promotions and public relations with local media outlets.
Listed on major event and expo sites.
Localized signage during jewelry show.
Exhibitor F.A.Q.
Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at an InterGem Jewelry Show! Below are the most frequently asked questions regarding the exhibiting process. Whether you have specific questions or just want to understand the exhibiting process more thoroughly, you'll find everything you're looking for below. We look forward to working with your company!

+ How Do I Place An Online Order?
- Go to our online ordering system (Click Here) and select the show you'd like to sign up for.
- Sign in to your account or create your company account.
- Complete your order and make your payment
- If you DO have a renewable deposit AND a credit card on file: Select "Pay Later"
- If you DO NOT have a renewable deposit: Select "Pay With Credit Card" and enter all the required information
- You will receive an order confirmation immediately. You should receive a confirmation of acceptance or waitlist notification within 3-4 business days.
+ What Is The Payment Procedure?
Exhibitors who DO NOT have a renewable deposit on-file will need to place a $100.00 non-refundable deposit for each booth ordered. This will go directly to the order as the first payment installment. The same card will be charged the full remaining balance, AUTOMATICALLY, thirty (30) days before the show. If the order was submitted and/or accepted LESS THAN thirty (30) days before the show, the full remaining balance will be charged at the time of acceptance. Exhibitors who DO have a renewable deposit in their file AT THE TIME OF THE ORDER will not have to pay the initial deposit or authorize the automatic charges.
+ What Is A Renewable Deposit?
The refundable, Renewable Deposit (“RD”) allows the applicant to apply to as many International Gem & Jewelry Shows (“InterGem”) as they want without having to place additional deposits or authorize automatic charges per order. The one-time fee for the RD is $1,000.00. Registration is required. To register, use our fillable Renewable Deposit form.
To have the RD refunded, written notice must be received by InterGem’s corporate office through e-mail, mail or fax. InterGem can only refund the current balance at the time of the request. If past due debt exists between the applicant and InterGem at any point, funds from the RD will be transferred and applied directly to the debt. Should funds be removed from the RD it will no longer be valid until the applicant adds funds to reconcile the balance.
The renewable deposit does not guarantee advance pricing. To take advantage of the “Advance Price” the applicant is responsible for paying their orders in full by the deadline which is one week before the start of the show. By placing a RD on-file the applicant is eligible for InterGem’s “Automatic Payment Program” which will charge your credit card automatically to guarantee the “Advance Price.” Separate registration is required to sign up for the “Automatic Payment Program.”
+ What Should I Expect After I Place My Order?
You will immediately receive a confirmation of your order. Save this in your files until you receive a second email from InterGem. Your second e-mail from InterGem will contain a confirmation of your acceptance or an explanation of your placement on our wait-list.
DO NOT make plans or travel arrangements for our show until you receive a confirmation of acceptance.
+ Why Was I Placed On The Wait-list?
If you haven't received a confirmation of acceptance or have received an email regarding your placement on our wait-list, these may be the reasons why:
PAYMENT ISSUE: One of the most common issues why an applicant is placed on the wait-list is for lack of payment. A $100.00 non-refundable deposit or a renewable deposit is required before your order can be accepted. If you plan on participating in multiple shows, InterGem recommends that you place a "Renewable Deposit" on-file. This option will allow you to make payment whenever you'd prefer, up to the start of the show.
SPACE ISSUE: Space is limited in all our shows. Occasionally, we may sell out of space and will need to place your order on the waitlist until a space may open up.
CONTRACT ISSUE (Skincare/Cosmetics Vendors): Another possibility of why your order was not accepted is that you sent the wrong type of contract. Skincare/Cosmetic vendors must submit a special contract and be beholden to an additional level of policies. Click Here to download the "Skin Care Vendor Contract."
+ How Do I Pay My Balance?
InterGem makes it simple and easy to make your payment online. We offer an online payment portal to pay your balance on accepted orders. If you prefer to email or fax a payment form, we offer a fillable .PDF for your convenience. Please note that you can only pay online for orders that have NOT been accepted. Any wait-listed order will not appear in the online payment portal.
- TO PAY ONLINE: Click Here
+ What If I Sell Skincare / Cosmetics / Haircare Products?
If your company carries skincare, cosmetics and/or haircare products, we need a separate application from you. Please download the special contract from our ordering page. Or select "I Sell Skincare/Cosmetics/Haircare Products" when placing an order online. This contract contains additional restrictions and the correct pricing. Without the correct application, order will remain on the waitlist.
+ How Do I Get The "Advance Price"?
The "Advance Price" is the discounted price offered on all booths and extra equipment if payment is made by the deadline. The deadline is typically SEVEN DAYS before the start of the show. The date will be noted on your online order form or the paper contract. If the full payment is made after the deadline, standard pricing will be applied.
+ What If I Need To Cancel?
Cancelling is a simple process. To cancel your order, please send InterGem a request in writing. Request must include your company name, show name and show date. Your request may be sent via email to info@intergem.net (preferred method), via fax at (301) 294-0034 or via mail to our corporate headquarters. If your cancellation notice is submitted MORE THAN 30 days before the show, a $100.00 fee will be charged to your card or withheld from any refund automatically. If the cancellation notice is submitted LESS THAN 30 days before the show, 50% of the total cost of the booth and equipment will be charged to your card or withheld from any refund automatically.
+ When Do I Find Out My Booth Number?
Typically, booth numbers are finalized two weeks before the show date. You can call or email our office to find out the booth number for a specific show. You can also find your booth number on our website – just go to the show page and look up the participating exhibitors.
+ Do I Need A Tax License For Each Show?
Each state has different tax regulations. We have included that information on our "Exhibitor Tax Information" page. Please make sure you get approved for a show first before you apply for any tax license information with that state. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to have all the necessary tax paperwork completed before the show!
+ What Are The Set-Up, Show, Close-Down And Load-Out Hours?
Most shows have the same set-up, show, close-down and load-out hours. There are two shows that differ from the normal hours including the Denver Wholesale Show (September) and any show whose first set-up day falls on Thanksgiving Thursday. For a printable chart of our typical hours, click here.
Typical Set-Up Hours:
- Thursday, 4:00 PM-8:00 PM
- Friday, 8:00 AM-11:00 AM
- Saturday, 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
- Sunday, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Typical Show Hours:
- Friday, 12:00 PM-6:00 PM
- Saturday, 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
- Sunday, 11:00 AM-5:00 PM
Typical Close-Down/Load-Out Hours:
- Friday, 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
- Saturday, 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
- Sunday, 5:00 PM-8:00 PM
- Set-Up Hours: The hours exhibitors are allowed inside the hall to set-up their booths. No attendees or non-staff members are allowed in the hall at this time.
- Show Hours: The hours in which the show is open to attendees. For security reasons, attendees are not allowed in the hall before or after this time. These hours are strictly enforced.
- Close-Down Hours: The hours exhibitors are allowed to remain in the hall after show hours to close down their booths for the night and secure their merchandise.
- Load-Out Hours: The hours after the event finishes that exhibitors are alloted to pack up their merchandise and leave the hall.
+ How Do I Secure My Merchandise Overnight At A Show?
The entire show floor is guarded overnight. Additionally we provide a designated lockdown area for high value merchandise.
Low Value Merchandise: If you plan to leave your merchandise at your booth overnight, we suggest covering your merchandise with a secured tarp. Please make sure to have an inventory of your merchandise and take photos of your booth right before you leave the show/secure your tarp.
High Value Merchandise: Every show has a guarded overnight lockdown area for your merchandise. The lockdown area is guarded by armed and highly trained police. To include your merchandise in the lockdown, please follow all guidelines below
- USE THE RIGHT CASE: Your merchandise must be in a secured case with a lock in order to be placed in lockdown. Any type of case is accepted (ex. luggage case, steel carrier, trunk, etc.,) however, we HIGHLY suggest that your case be hardshell for additional security and protection from an accidental crush. InterGem staff and hired security are not responsible for damage during lockdown.
- SAFEGUARD YOUR TICKET: You will receive a ticket once you surrender the merchandise and will need that ticket to pick up your merchandise the next morning. Keep your ticket safe and have it ready to surrender when you approach lockdown.
- ANTICIPATE LOCATION: The lockdown area will be determined by security at the show. Be sure to ask a show office staff member for the location when you arrive.
FOLLOW CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT TIMES: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the pick-up time to ensure that your merchandise is not left unattended and that your merchandise is secured in your booth before attendees arrive to the show. For a printable chart of lockdown hours, click here.
For merchandise checkout, arrive at least 30 minutes before lockdown hours end.- Thursday, 5:00 PM-Friday, 12:00 PM
- Friday, 6:00 PM-Saturday, 10:00 AM
- Saturday, 6:00 PM-Sunday, 11:00 AM
+ Do I Get Free Passes For My Customers?
Yes! However they must be requested. We offer printable passes that can be emailed to your customers. We also offer 50 paper tickets that can be mailed. Exhibitors must have an accepted contract to the show in order to qualify. Additional paper tickets are available for purchase. Passes are not automatically sent to you. They must be requested using the proper forms. To see the forms, please visit our "Exhibiting Information" page.
Forms And Information
Below are the forms you need to participate in an InterGem show as an exhibitor. CONTACT US directly for help or additional information.